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Role Player 2023

Sai Krishna Yallapu

Director - Corporate Marketing
Sutherland Global Services

Sai Krishna Yallapu, the author of "The ABM Playbook for B2B Marketing" is a sheer passionate marketer with 15 years of rich experience. Sai Krishna's insightful approach to B2B Marketing extends beyond the written word, as evidenced by the engaging content on his YouTube channel, "In Love With Marketing." This platform serves as a voice for the nuances of B2B Marketing, showcasing his depth of knowledge in the field. Recognized for his creativity, Sai Krishna has received prestigious award from HYSEA and earned acclaim from The Times of India (TOI). Through a perfect blend of theoretical acumen and practical insights, Sai Krishna continues to leave an indelible mark on the marketing landscape, inspiring and educating audiences with a actionable perspective.